budget Financial Analysis and Budget Review Step 1 of 6 16% Name First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Monthly Income CalculationPrimary Job SalaryOvertime PayBonuses/CommissionsSecond JobSelf-Employment IncomePublic AssistanceSocial Security IncomePension/RetirementChild Support/AlimonyRental Property IncomeOther (Specify)Please specifyCo-Applicant Income (If applicable)Total Monthly IncomeMonthly Total Income Monthly Expenses CalaculationHow many credit cards do you have?012345678910Credit Cards1. CardMonthly PaymentBalance2. CardMonthly PaymentBalance3. CardMonthly PaymentBalanceCredit Cards4. CardMonthly PaymentBalance5. CardMonthly PaymentBalance7. CardMonthly PaymentBalanceCredit Cards8. CardMonthly PaymentBalance9. CardMonthly PaymentBalance10. CardMonthly PaymentBalance10. CardMonthly PaymentBalanceTotal monthly payment form credit cardsTotal credit card balance Monthly Living ExpensesHousingRent or mortgageHeating (gas or oil)ElectricityWater or sewageTelephones (landlines and cell phones)Renters or homeowners insurance(if not included in mortgage) Transportation (Gas, Insurance)Trash serviceHome maintenance and furnishingsCleaning suppliesLawn serviceOtherTransportationGasCar paymentCar insuranceCar inspectionCar repairs and maintenanceLicense plates and registration feesPublic transportation or taxiParking and tollsFoodGroceriesSchool lunchesWork-related (lunches and snacks)InsuranceHealth(medical and dental, if not payroll-deducted)LifeMedicalDoctorPrescriptionsDoctorChildcareChild support or alimonyChildcare or babysittersClothingClothingLaundry and dry cleaning TotalTotal IncomeTotal Monthly Living ExpensesTotal spending this monthMoney left to save or spendIf your income is more than your expenses, you have money left to save or spend. If your expenses are more than your income, look at your budget to find expenses to cut.Expense Worksheet Savings PlanMonthly Contribution GoalsSavings Goal Categories Emergency Fund Down Payment for a Home Retirement Savings Debt Payoff Education or College Fund Other Goal Emergency FundGoal Amount – Emergency FundTimeframe (Months) – Emergency Fund12 months11 months10 months9 months8 months7 months6 months5 months4 months3 months2 months1 monthEmergency Fund – Monthly ContributionDown Payment for a HomeGoal Amount – Down Payment for a HomeTimeframe (Months) – Down Payment for a Home12 months11 months10 months9 months8 months7 months6 months5 months4 months3 months2 months1 monthDown Payment for a Home – Monthly ContributionRetirement SavingsGoal Amount – Retirement SavingsTimeframe (Months) – Retirement Savings12 months11 months10 months9 months8 months7 months6 months5 months4 months3 months2 months1 monthRetirement Savings – Monthly ContributionDebt PayoffGoal Amount – Debt PayoffTimeframe (Months) – Debt Payoff12 months11 months10 months9 months8 months7 months6 months5 months4 months3 months2 months1 monthDebt Payoff – Monthly ContributionEducation or College FundGoal Amount – Education or College FundTimeframe (Months) -Education or College Fund12 months11 months10 months9 months8 months7 months6 months5 months4 months3 months2 months1 monthEducation or College Fund – Monthly ContributionOtherOther (Please specify)Goal Amount – OtherTimeframe (Months) – Other12 months11 months10 months9 months8 months7 months6 months5 months4 months3 months2 months1 monthOther Goal-Specific Savings – Monthly Contribution Total Savings – Monthly ContributionSavings Capacity CheckDisposable IncomeYour savings exceed your available budget. Please adjust your savings goals.You are saving within your budget! Great job!PDF Preview